MEASUREMENT AND MEASURING INSTRUMENT Quiz Part- 2 irshadalam@1 June 9, 2021 2 First Year, Fitter Trade Theory, Uncategorized 22 Created on June 09, 2021 MEASUREMENT AND MEASURING INSTRUMENT Part- 2 1 / 20 1 pound = …………. grams 450.8 453.6 445.8 460.2 2 / 20 1 Kg = ………………….. pound 22.05 2.205 2.805 28.05 3 / 20 1 Ton(British) = ……………….. Kg 1012 1014 1016 1000 4 / 20 1 tonne(metric) = ………………………. Kg 100 1000 1016 1050 5 / 20 5 Quintals = ……………. Kg 50 500 5000 5.5 6 / 20 0.02 mm = ……… micron 20 2 200 2000 7 / 20 0.01 mm = …………. micron * 1 10 100 1000 8 / 20 35 micron = ………………. mm 0.350 0.035 3.5 0.0035 9 / 20 415 micron = ………….. mm 41.5 4.15 0.415 0.0415 10 / 20 10 inch = …………. cm 25.4 2.54 254 255 11 / 20 10 Km = ………… mile 62.2 6.22 622 0.622 12 / 20 2.63 Kilogram = ………….. grams 263 2635 2630 2633 13 / 20 1 Kg/sq.metre = …………. pound/sq.feet 0.210 0.205 0.225 0.230 14 / 20 1 Atmosphere = …………….. pounds/sq.inch 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 15 / 20 1 Kwh = ……………….. megajoule 3 3.5 3.6 4 16 / 20 1 Metric Horse power = …………… watts 735.5 740.5 746.5 748.5 17 / 20 37) 1 Electrical Horse power = …………… watts 738 740 744 746 18 / 20 In angle measurement 1 degree = ……….. minute 10 50 60 100 19 / 20 In angle measurement 1 degree = ………..minute 6000 3600 3000 1000 20 / 20 40) π radian = ……….. degree 45 90 180 270 Your score isThe average score is 36% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz